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Anis & His Mates DVD (NC)

Studio: Citebeur
€ 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 15064D
Anis is a 23 year old dark bronzed stud of Algerian background, his rugged features and strapping, muscular, athletic body are matched by a large, thick, wide cock that is the envy of all. The girth alone is enough to amaze every bottom he meets. He has a girlfriend, but she can't suck him off very well and he keeps her around for appearances. Anis, who needs his balls pumped and sucked dry every day, often enjoys fucking cute, passive young men who worship his massive hard-on even if it is almost too big to handle. And while those charming French guys are a delightful diversion, he still shoots his best loads of cum with other Arab expatriates, Wallid and Maltos - the Arab/Portuguese pervert. This is one young man who really can't get enough."
Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
13 aug. 2020
142 Minuten