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Five top twink bareback scenes on DVD featuring nothing but blond haired horny boys! They might both be blond, but there’s a distinct contrast in styles here as softly-spoken, long-haired new boy, Igor Salamon, gets teamed up with the somewhat more punchier Danny Jones; and suffice it to say you don’t need to be Poirot to work out who’s gonna be getting their arse pounded for our satisfaction. First off, however, there’s more than enough cock to be worked orally, with both lads enjoying every inch of hard flesh that’s on offer. Ultimately, however, young Igor can’t wait to get a good doggy-style fucking; before riding Danny’s dick like a bitch for all to see. No surprise then that the lad is soon squirting out a generous wad, leaving Danny the ultimate pleasure of splattering his team-mate with a sticky facial!
Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.