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Boy Booty DVD

Studio: Helix
€ 39,75
Op voorraad
SKU 16826D
We've assembled the best collection of bountiful "Boy Booty" in need of a beautiful, breathtaking butt beating! Overflowing with ass in need of pleasure, pain, and punishment, this unique gay twink spanking DVD is packed to pink cheeked capacity. Every spanktastic scene sizzles with succulent, backseats swatted to hot pink, hand-branded perfection, by heavy hitting, young hunks like Max Carter, Josh Brady, Blake Mitchell, and more! The seat slapping young studs unleash their wrath in the form of wedgies, whacks, and hearty whollops, bringing the most beautiful, bubble bootied boys to hedonistic, backseat bliss. And, trust us, these tight tushed twinks look even tastier with their hot hides tanned!
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
25 jul. 2023
84 Minuten