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Butthole Exploration DVD

Studio: Fresh Hotties
€ 39,75
Op voorraad
SKU 16800D
It might not be to everyone’s taste, but the fact remains that there’s a growing number of young men who are more than happy to explore the pleasures of anal sex. The proliferation of porn may explain this trend, of course; but whatever the reason it’s no longer the taboo that it once used to be. As a result, lads are increasingly likely to tag up with mates to see what joys this newly discovered sexual organ can give; with the likes of Ryan Days, Tony Parker and Daniel Johnson teaming up with their buddies for the kind of rip-roaring, ass-stretching action that their folks probably long since warned them about. All of which soon results in a fantastic volley of jizz to underline just how much these boys have enjoyed themselves!
Verenigd Koningkrijk
11 jul. 2023
102 Minuten
Fresh Hotties