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Cooper and His Mates DVD (NC)

Studio: Citebeur
€ 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 13931D
Cooper is a young bi-racial man who has a lot of style. His beautiful lips, his muscular body and the nasty mind of a very horny stud. Our dark skinned newcomer shows a taste for extra large cocks and non-stop fucking and sucking with his new mates. He tries on Fabio who has a legendarily massive organ and finds it's just what he needs. So Cooper goes on to explore two swarthy Latins. Tiziano and his lover the hot Metis. After he exhausts, and drains, those sexy men, along cums the legendary Portuguese monster stud Maltos and his firefighter buddy. These two perverts show him what truly nasty sex is like, but his adventure doesn't stop there. Max the menace, Byron Cohen, and huge dick Marquiso each have their way with him, showing us all that Cooper is a natural cock whore!!
Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
1 nov. 2018
140 Minuten