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Cum All Ye Faithful DVD (S)

Studio: Falcon
Speciale prijs € 29,75 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 17046D
This year, Santa's coming more than once! ‘Cum All Ye Faithful’ to the Falcon DVD of the season! For years, friends from around the world have traveled to famous drag queen Sherry Vine’s rustic home on California’s Pacific Crest Trail for Christmas. But, when legislation against live drag performances threatens Sherry’s livelihood, she’ll need all the help she can get to fight the conservative lawmakers and save her lodge-style holiday house. Good pal Damian Night rallies the chosen family to produce a photo op fundraiser that will hopefully stop greedy land developer Reign from buying Sherry’s place right out from under her, and, at the same time, save drag as an art form. Old and new flames ignite among the hunks as they race against the clock to give Sherry financial security while also delivering the very best kind of hard candy Christmas.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Tony Di Marco
28 nov. 2023
120 Minuten