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Joel Tamir leads a super Staxus cast in this unique ballet twink bareback extravaganza! The young dancing queens soon leave practicing the pirouette and take off their ballet tights....They say dance is the lowest form of art, but rest assured it leads to the highest form of twink sex in this top-notch bonanza of top-notch fornication, featuring a bevy of five-star beauties who will literally do anything to get out of their dance gear to enjoy every inch on offer. Lads like Joel Tamir, David Hollister and Gabriel Clay, who live for dick and cum in equal measure, and who don’t mind who gets to see them as they act out their wildest artistic fantasies. The result is exactly the kind of bareback suck-and-fuck-fest that’s gonna have you reaching for the tissues in no time; as the urge to dance soon gets overcome by the insatiable desire to stretch ass and to blast near-obscene amounts of cum all over cute, expectant faces!