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Cum Outside DVDR (NC)

Studio: Raw
€ 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 15837D

Who said outdoor sex wasn't fun? These Staxus twinks enjoy ever moment of it, regardless of who is lurking in the background watching! Featuring Staxus exclusive Craig Kennedy with his MASSIVE uncut twink cock! It’s definitely a case of getting back to nature with this horny collection of outdoor antics, as the monster-sized beauty that is Craig Kennedy teams up with some of his alfresco buddies for one hot session of bareback copulation after the next. Maybe it’s all the fresh air, but it doesn’t take long before Gabriel Clay, David Hollister et al are acting like animals; sucking each other’s rock-hard dicks with the kind of gusto you’d expect from guys of their age, before taking it in turns to stretch ass time and again. It’s more than enough to set the woods on fire, that’s for sure; and with copious quantities of jizz being spewed in all directions as a result you can be sure you won’t leave disappointed. In short, a five-star out-of-doors frenzy!

Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
John Smith
28 dec. 2021
94 Minuten