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Cum To Your Senses DVD (S)

Studio: Raging Stallion
€ 39,75
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SKU 16971D
Looking for Raging Stallion Studios' sexiest and most rugged men? They're right under your nose in 'Cum To Your Senses', the newest all-sex DVD from award-winning filmmaker Steve Cruz. When handsome stud Alpha Wolfe catches his roommate, Falcon | NakedSword Exclusive Drew Valentino, secretly sniffing his used jockstrap, he knows the hirsute hottie will be open to a flip-fuck right in the middle of their living room. So begins a series of hookups that is certain to stimulate the 'holefactory' senses, including Adam Ramzi getting a good long whiff of a sweaty, worked-out Liam Hunt before fucking him with his big dick. Then, the always rough-and-ready Timothy Chance and horny reality star Lobo Carreira can't get enough of each other's scents -- inhaling the musk of feet, armpits, and assholes -- during a scorching hot pool day, ultimately moving the versatile action indoors to their plush bedroom. Next, when Alpha Wolfe drops by the home of Falcon | NakedSword Exclusive Cole Connor and Alex Ink, he finds the two boyfriends to be extremely welcoming -- wide open, you might say, to an unexpected bareback threeway. After Alpha cums and runs, Cole Connor and Alex Ink connect with only each other in a down-and-dirty flip-fuck that leaves the room heavy with the glorious redolence of sex. Raging Stallion Studios invites you to 'Cum To Your Senses' and sniff out the hottest hairy guys; they smell good enough to eat!
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Steve Cruz
20 okt. 2023
161 Minuten