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Daddy's Iron Rule DVDR (NC)

€ 19,75
Op voorraad
SKU 13380D
If you are into kinky gay uniform sex, this collection is sure to hit all the right buttons. Daddy officers take full advantage of young recruits that are under their command, and these boys are more than willing to follow orders. Bad boys are spanked and pissed on, suck superior's cock on demand, and get bent over for a proper military ass fucking. Dildos and double penetration are the orders of the day, leaving young soldiers with fresh cum dripping off their lips and out their ass. You have a front row seat to all of the hardcore action, as young soldiers do their duty and superior officers take full advantage of these boys in service to their every twisted whim.
Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
18 apr. 2018
101 Minuten