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Ditch The Bitch...and make the Switch! DVDR (NC)

Studio: Au Natural
€ 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 12854D
Time to "Ditch Your Bitch" as bartender Ashley Adams leads an all-star cast into "modifying" their tastes! George Plozen gets the ass of his dreams. Skip Baxter finds someone who can handle his huge, thick cock. David Santini finds the long hair of Aaron Hawke to be exactly what he craves. Milan Breeze gets the hardbody he desires. 5 awesome pairings with 11 of the finest youthful Czech studs working today. Groundbreaking menu feature allows the viewer to watch the movie as bareback or with condoms! Another daring innovation from Triumvirate Group!
Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
14 sep. 2006
110 Minuten
Au Natural