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Elder Miller: Chapters 1-5 DOWNLOAD

Studio: Missionary Boyz
€ 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 01673M
Now finally available for instant XXX download! Elder Miller is steadfast in his mission. Hes determined to do everything correctly, timely, and with the utmost commitment to doing the best he can. And as a result, hes been given the highly respected position of Assistant to the President. This ethic is not only shown in his missionary tasks, but extends as well to how he cares for his body. His impressive physique and well-groomed good looks has turned the heads of boys and men alike. The leaders of the Order, especially, knew what an asset he is and saw his great potential. As such, theyve charged him with finding the next wave of recruits. As with everything he does, Elder Miller is determined to push himself and do all that he can. And if he does well enough, the Brethren have promised to ordain him to the Higher Priesthood within the sacred order.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
28 sep. 2018
240 Minuten