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Studio: Naked Sword
€ 29,75
Op voorraad
SKU 03411M
Your favorite gay porn stars are headed to Las Vegas to answer mass amounts of ‘Fan Male’, revealing behind-the-scenes industry secrets and spilling their most intimate thoughts before breaking off for some blazing hot sex. Up first, A-list performers Diego Sans and Devin Franco are sitting down with superfan P-Man to dish all about masturbation fantasies until Devin is ready to deepthroat and get barebacked by his porn star buddy. Next, a cock-starved Luca del Rey is going to town on Joel Hart’s big dick after chatting with manager-to-the-stars Chris Crisco about everything from uncut meat to watersports. ‘Discretion Advised’ podcast host John Arthur Hill then leads a pre-fuck discussion on Derek Kage’s foreskin and Sean Xavier’s love of threesomes before P-Man returns to conduct an XXX-rated interview about Alpha Wolfe’s first time with a man and what makes Ranger nut. Then, Diego Sans takes a seat in the interviewer's chair to talk dirty with DeAngelo Jackson and Colby Melvin until they’re fucking raw and exchanging loads all over their hotel suite.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
3 nov. 2023
113 Minuten
Naked Sword