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Footballs! DVDR (NC)

Studio: Sport Ladz
Speciale prijs € 19,75 Normale prijs € 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 14739D
The football team Staxus is back with another hot twink porn DVD, this time with no fouls or off sides! Who'd think three rival team players could get along so well? With the first scene starting off with a superb threesome with Denis, Leo and Nick, who don't hesitate in getting each other rock hard and enjoying each others hole! These boys for sure scored a few goals!

For the second scene of this hot twink movie, Joel is also a die hard fan of his local team, and when the chance appears he too wants to get close up to the action with Jerome as he kisses almost every inch of this players body, before getting a good taste of what Jerome has to offer him, leaving him moaning in pleasure and wanting more and more.

The third is no disappointment neither, as Nick falling asleep in bed makes Jerome want to change the channel on the TV to watch the game, it goes without saying that the only game he's going to watch is Nick riding on his hard cock, or his balls slapping into his face when they're in a 69 position.

And finally, who knew that rival teams could get along so well? As is the case of Beno and Casper, who after their match and back at home the boys don't waste any time to get comfortable in their bed! It goes without saying that the pheromones are high, and these boys don't hold back on letting their desires take control. Soon Casper is sucking on Beno's hard shaft, in preparation of what he wants to come next, which for sure will be one hell of a view to watch!

Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
John Smith
31 mrt. 2020
91 Minuten
Sport Ladz