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Frenzy Party DVD (S)

Studio: Twink Heritage
€ 39,75
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SKU 16803D
It’s a step back to the old days once again with the guys from Twink Heritage, featuring a truly stunning bevy of five-star porn stars from yesteryear; all fully remastered, and daring to prove just how horny and hung the boys were back then. Lads like Adam Angel, Ben Bianco and Marco Fuego, who (thanks to the wonders of technology) are back to their prime to suck and fuck like the virile creatures they were always meant to be. The result is quite literally the party of their lives; with a stunning backdrop that only seems to accentuate the sheer raunch of the action involved. Were things better back then? All we’re going to say is that you’re gonna love every last cum-squirting moment that these classic porn stars are happy to re-live!
11 jul. 2023
89 Minuten