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Horny Gifted Twinks DOWNLOAD

Studio: Bare Twinks
Speciale prijs € 19,75 Normale prijs € 24,75
Op voorraad
SKU 03287M
Okay, so how are the twinks in this glorious offering from Dirty Boy Desires gifted? Well if you’re thinking that it has anything to do with their academic prowess or sporting skills then you’re about to be very rudely disappointed. If, on the other hand, you’re assuming it’s all down to the fact that they’re all out and out whores who quite literally live for cock, then you’re pretty much in the right ball-park. Fact of the matter is that every one of these young sluts – Ricky Boxer, Trey Bentley, and the irrepressible Austin Lock among them – are sexual reprobates of the very top calibre; and it’s no time before they’re sucking and fucking like the wild animals they are. Culminating in a display of cum that is truly unbelievable!
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
23 dec. 2022
108 Minuten
Bare Twinks