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Jackhammered & Drilled DVD (S)

€ 39,75
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SKU 16794D
Construction workers Malik Delgaty and Clark Delgaty are hard at work on the job doing some drilling and looking for just the right screw, but their co-worker Chris Cool would rather interrupt their work by swinging his cock and balls around or showing his spread ass. When Chris jizzes all over their freshly painted wall, the muscle hunks vow to teach him a lesson. Chris hides in a box with a hole at each end, and when Malik finds him inside, he makes Chris suck his cock, then calls Clark over to pound the prank-playing bottom's ass doggystyle. They take Chris out of the box to make him suck Clark as Malik takes his turn on that hole, then put him in piledriver and drill his ass with a dildo... literally! Chris promises not to cause trouble again as he takes first Malik, then Clark in missionary, and after the bottom cums he takes two big loads on his face.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
11 jul. 2023
69 Minuten