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Joel Tamir: Monster Cocked Legend DOWNLOAD

Studio: Staxus
€ 24,75
Op voorraad
SKU 03155M
Some porn stars are one-hit wonders, but nothing like that could be said about handsome, horse-hung beauty, Joel Tamir. In fact, this gorgeous young Czech lad has the kind of staying-power that’s the stuff of legends, with a huge resume of scorching encounters that’s surely only dwarfed by the equipment that he keeps stashed between his legs. A natural bottom, he’s a fan’s delight from start to finish each and every time; and there’s no doubt at all that he’ll continue to delight long after he finally calls it quits. In truth he’s a sex-machine almost without parallel, as you’ll quickly discover when the likes of Lior Hod, Timmy Williams and Daniel Hausser get to sample his wares for a guaranteed non-stop spunk-fest!
John Smith
8 apr. 2022
191 Minuten