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Ladyboys Uncovered DVD

Studio: Katoey
€ 39,75
SKU 16138D
It’s often been said that ladyboys can actually be sexier than traditional women – a statement that’s somewhat hard to rebuff when confronted by this collection of busty, cock-wielding beauties, who seem to enjoy dick as much as anyone. No doubt about it, these delightful young things are quite simply gorgeous; with figures to die for, and the kind of libido that ensures fireworks with each and every encounter. You’re gonna be jerking off in no time as these pretty slappers take on some of the biggest shafts around, proving time and again that they’re more than up to the challenge, and getting their asses stretched to the max in the process. All culminating in a tsunami of jizz that leaves them splattered from head to foot!
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
31 mei 2022
90 Minuten