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Leo's Toys DVDR (NC)

Speciale prijs € 17,38 Normale prijs € 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 15757D
Leo doesn’t hold back when it comes to torturing twinks for his own pleasure, Angel is the first to be tormented, as in his dungeon Angel is soon tied down with his ass filled up with toys prior to the real torture on the cross! By now we know that Leo loves to have the boys restrained, and that's no different for Jacob, where he torments the slim twink till they both blast their loads. And finally, in an outdoor setting, Galiel whipped prior to being bound to a tree where his ass gets the merciless fuck it so desperately needed, only to then get tickled and tortured even more. Needless to say poor Angel, Galiel and Jacob will behave next time!
Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
Timmy Treasure
19 okt. 2021
85 Minuten