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Madrid Sexy DVD (S)

Studio: Falcon
€ 39,75
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SKU 08152D
Take a sex filled, lusty European trip with Falcon in Madrid Sexy. This time Falcon lets you cum along for the ride to Madrid, Spain's capital and largest city, and they show you some of the hottest European and Latin men. Madrid lies at the same longitude as New York City, it's not always warm and sunny, but it's always hot. It's the kind of heat generated by young Latino men on the street whose cocks twitch and prostates buzz in anticipation of their next orgasm. In Madrid Sexy, directors Steve Cruz and Bruno Bond land in the heart of Spain and keep their trained eyes peeled for guys needing to connect. First, they turn up lovers, like Valentino Porto and Alex Marte, a study in contrasts: burly and slim, hairy and smooth, big and compact, and they share fiery intimate moments that will have you shooting. Next they uncover guys who meet on the street and succumb to instant lust. The anonymous sex shared by Jessy Ares and Esteban Del Toro is liberating. The intense Esteban sinks his sexual claws into the hot flesh of furry Jessy Ares, who knows exactly how to tame this Latin in heat. Sexy couple, David Circus and TJ Lowell are another pair of lovers know how to touch and make each other's cocks well up with precum. Their trip to Madrid has them feeling lusty. In the finale, a chance meeting between Alessandro Masterio and Mike Colucci in front of the bullfighting ring produces one of the most intense and passionate hook ups ever recorded on film. The moment their eyes lock, you know that these bulls are destined to fuck. After watching these super-charged, Latin encounters in Madrid Sexy, you'll be booking your next vacation to Spain's capital.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Bruno Bond
25 sep. 2014
90 Minuten