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Magic Moments DOWNLOAD

Studio: Twink Cocks
€ 24,75
Op voorraad
SKU 02655M
Whether it's in the shower or back in the bedroom, these handsome lads love to share magic moments with their besties - but if you think they're only interested in bland romance, think again. Why, there's nothing refined about these boys once they're out of their kits and have their dicks on display; taking total advantage of every whopping inch on offer, as they suck and fuck to their hearts' content. Gay porn legend, Kai Alexander, leads the fray; as innocent first kisses transform themselves on-screen into the kind of wanton, spunk-inducing encounters for which these lads are famous. Resulting in white-washed smiles that will long in the memory!
Verenigd Koningkrijk
20 mrt. 2020
92 Minuten
Twink Cocks