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More Than Buddies DVDR (NC)

Studio: SauVage
Speciale prijs € 17,38 Normale prijs € 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 15318D
When the Staxus boys can't keep their hands off each other it's clear they are no longer just friends, as is the case of SauVage's latest DVD release More than Buddies, where Joel is quick to get his hands down Conors pants as soon as he finishes showing him around!

Joel and Conor aren't the only ones who are now more than buddies, as soon Rami and John arrive at the farmhouse before anyone else and get their daily ramming in! John is quick to have Rami's meaty shaft in his mouth, and soon they'll be having one hell of a time, who knew you could fuck in a wheelbarrow?

With all this excitement so far, the next scene could possibly be the best of this DVD, where Timmy and David are searching for Conor, who'd have known that these boys would soon end up in a daisy-chain where everything is on display!

But it would seem David and Conor wanted more of each other, and the broken bikes are only an excuse to get into each other's lycra clothing as soon they are rock hard under their singlets, looking for an alternate plan for the day. It goes without saying that their new plan is better than the original one as they are soon engaged in a face-fucking, hole rimming, fuck fest to only end up covered in hot cum!

Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
John Smith
18 dec. 2020
87 Minuten