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New Arrivals DVD (S)

Studio: Naked Sword
€ 39,75
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SKU 16202D
There’s never a bad time for some fresh-faced hunks to fill up your screen and fill up some holes, so feast your eyes as NakedSword Originals unveils eight of the industry’s hottest new discoveries and ‘New Arrivals’. Directed by the award-winning Marc MacNamara, this bareback feature is all about taking hot and horny men that have never filmed porn before and thrusting them in front of the camera for the world to see. This may be one of Serg Shepard’s first porn shoots, but he’s quick to show Xtian Wolf that it’s definitely not the first time he’s swallowed or been drilled by a fat cock as he expertly handles the newcomer’s hairy meat. It would be selfish of bodybuilders Nick Cranston and Davin Strong to keep their god-like physiques to themselves, so the beefy boys waste no time stripping down, showing off their impeccable muscles, and flip-fucking for the camera. Tony Genius and Jake Apton just started filming their debut scene, but both bareback fuckers are already moaning as Jake’s tight hole wraps itself around Tony’s rock-hard pole. Rough top Arturo Santos is slamming himself into Greg Riley’s juicy cheeks and only pauses the raw pounding to drop down and get another taste of his used hole. So be sure to unwrap and admire this hoard of ‘New Arrivals’ as they spread their legs, blow loads, and prove why their cocks deserve a spot in the world of gay porn.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Marc MacNamara
24 jun. 2022
77 Minuten
Naked Sword