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Perverted Summer House 2 DOWNLOAD

€ 24,75
Op voorraad
SKU 02614M
My Dirtiest Fantasy hasn't finished yet with their summer collection, this time around poor Peter enjoying the sun is about to be molested by Ron, who has some kinky ideas in mind for this fine summers morning! After locking his hands and cock together in a wooden vice, he throws the key into the pool, so the boy definetly has no escape! Ron now has his plan in motion! With a few whips on the boys body he's quick to get sucking and playing with his cock. Not long after Peter has Ron's cock just where he wanted it all along, and talking about all along, the boy takes it all way in before getting a facefull of Ron's cum!

The second scene shows Silas going back out so pick up where he left his slave the other day, somewhere in the mountains next to a river, with a few quick whips to make the boy feel some warmth, the sensation changes over to some pain as some nipple clamps are applied and his body is ran over by a pinwheel. Preparing him for possibly the best part of the scene is the rough and humiliating fuck that this Pup will get by Silas! But after the brutal forest fuck, Silas isn't done with this pup, and after throwing him into the pool, the torture isn't over for the boy as Silas drowns the boy before exiting the pool with the lube in hand and the boy now on a flotation device face down, it's only a matter of time before Silas' hand is just where he likes it, inside an ass that is!

Timmy Treasure
10 mrt. 2020
76 Minuten