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Rod's Room 5 DVD (S)

Studio: Rod's Room
€ 49,75
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SKU 16677D
Man have I waited a long time to get Trevor Brooks and Tristan Hunter in my backyard. But, I had to savor the moment; I couldn't just let them get right to it. So I had them touch each other, feel each other, and look at each other. It was so hot. And when I finally couldn't take it... that's when I let them go all out in this beautiful flip fuck. I couldn't believe it when I found out that my shoot with Nico Coopa and Isaiah Taye was the first time they ever met. Their chemistry was off the charts! So of course I had to let them play with each other for me, and man did they make sure not to disappoint. But it was the sex--it was Nico topping Isaiah--that made me so, so horny. And it will make you hornier than ever too.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
21 apr. 2023
130 Minuten
Rod's Room