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Rod's Room 7 DVD (S)

Studio: Rod's Room
€ 49,75
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SKU 16761D
There was something so sensual about Nico Coopa and Jordan Starr together. They just lit up and their passion burned in front of my camera. And holy shit was it hot. When Jordan finally got to top Nico... sparks definitely flew. This is one of the hottest scenes I've filmed yet. There's something about Dalton Riley and Lucca Mazzi that's just so... enticing. Those round booties and hard bodies bringing that cock swinging action to Rods Room. Working with Dalton is always so much fun and finally getting to see him with Lucca was a delight. They both love showing off their big muscles and gorgeous smiles, so watching them together is undeniably exciting and completely hot.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
9 jun. 2023
154 Minuten
Rod's Room