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Rod's Room 8 DVD (S)

Studio: Rod's Room
€ 49,75
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SKU 16808D
What could be a better pairing than Damien Cruz and Joseph Castlian? I just knew that both of them are true artists who know how to move their bodies in a way that just exudes sex. Putting them together is so dynamic and erotic, their energy absolutely radiated in front of me, inviting you into their luscious playground. Damien was a champ when it came to bottoming, and watching Joseph top him? Incredible. Man oh man, Jayden Marcos and Julian Brady are... just fucking stellar. These guys know exactly how to create an epic sexual experience that allows them both to shine. Jayden... hot damn. His sweet smile and generous spirit make it easy to fall in love, and Julian is truly a one of a kind performer with an exceptionally talented hole. I can't wait for you to see what we created.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
14 jul. 2023
79 Minuten
Rod's Room