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Saddle Up DVD (S)

Studio: Hot House
Speciale prijs € 29,75 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 08827D
Saddle Up for wild rides on horse hung cocks! This is the kind of farm where men aren't afraid to get down and dirty with each other to get the job done, from blow jobs to rim jobs and everything in between. Director Christian Owen is the foreman of horny farmhands Derek Atlas, Ryan Rose, Brian Bonds, Jimmy Durano, Ricky Decker, Angelo, and Micah Brandt. Angelo is outside watering the garden, but ends up using his hose on Ricky Decker. Micah Brandt is supposed to wash the tractor but gets sidetracked by Jimmy Durano and his big, uncut tool. Brian Bonds and Ricky Decker go inside the barn for some heavy oral release. Derek Atlas and Ricky Decker use all of their bulging muscles in an energetic barnyard fuck. Brian Bonds uses his oral talents again on Ryan Rose, and then has the ride of his life on top of Ryan's enormous tool. Watch these muscled hunks fuck, suck and sweat under the hot summer sun in Saddle Up.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Christian Owen
14 jan. 2015
90 Minuten
Hot House