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Skin Bruv DVDR (NC)

Studio: Triga
Speciale prijs € 19,75 Normale prijs € 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 17273D

A couple of skin mates are sat in their council squat watching str8 porn on a portable. Gaff paid for by the dole, the boredom sets in and one decides that his hard cock needs out; out and down his cute skin mates throat. The blond lad loves it, hard to say anything with a gob full of skin schlong. The oral treatment is hot but what d-ya expect; fuckin hearts n flowers! And when three of his mates crash the flat for the afternoon, you just know blondie is in trouble; his ass is literally gonna be on the line. The 4 surround him and his jaw is given a good workout, each getting sucked before he is bent over the couch, his trackies are torn off and the hungry for cock lad is fucked relentlessly. But for these lads one ass ain’t enough and soon one to the tops gets bitched! This is what it means to be a Skin Bruv if another ass is needed, you fuckin give it up. Again the group take it in turns to use the fresh sub and once they ave all had a go they jerk off together, spunking over themselves and each other.

Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
Verenigd Koningkrijk
26 apr. 2024
110 Minuten