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Sliding In DVDR (NC)

Studio: SauVage
Speciale prijs € 19,75 Normale prijs € 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 14576D
As the title suggests, some dicks just slide right in, on this Gay Porn DVD from Staxus, we start off with the American-German Daniel Hausser with Joel Tamir who have a rather vibrating time, as when Joel steps out of the room Daniel, who can't keep his hands to himself, finds Joel's dildo in the bedside cabinet, needless to say Joel shows Daniel just how to use it before giving him a good pounding! In the second scene Sam Nitvitt gets to taste what it's like to have some fun with a well known Staxus boy like Adam Veller, and boy does this one not disappoint, especially if you like the less shaven style of twink! Tyler too is off for his debut, also with a well known Staxus boy, this time round with our favourite little devil Luce Fair, who you could say is loose enough for Tyler to slide right in! And leaving quite possibly best till last, newbie Max King, gets a taste of what it's like to wake up in heaven, with Peter Polloc waking him up with a sensual blowjob before making Max moan and beg Peter for more!
John Smith
17 dec. 2019
95 Minuten