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Staxus International College 2 DVDR (NC)

Studio: Staxus
Speciale prijs € 17,38 Normale prijs € 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 16298D
Some lads dream of going to Oxford or Yale, but take it from us that’s not the ambition that drives the likes of Galiel Swan, Angel Black and Craig Kennedy. After all, they’re looking for a distinctly more carnal education, and the fantastic news is that they’ve discovered their natural home in the prestigious Staxus International College, which opens its doors for you to enjoy with the kind of sexual gusto that you’d unquestionably expect. There’s a dark side to the adventure – as you’d probably expect – but if anything that only adds to the sexual highs; as these hard young cocks get the kind of attention that the makes of “Heartstopper” could only dream of. In short, a five-star, spunk-laden escapade that gets an A-grade every time!
Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
Timmy Treasure
20 sep. 2022
127 Minuten