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Suburbia-22 DVD (NC)

Studio: Triga
€ 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 16130D
It’s a New Year corker from Triga and a Tommy GunXXX and Billy Essex special with three scenes featuring our favorite big cocked lads’ and introducing a few new fittys. Billy starts the film off with a fit as fuck blonde lad just gagging for a pounding from Billy’s meaty cock as he watches him walk off in his front room. Sandwiched in the middle of this movie is a right old horny fuck session featuring two fit council workies sent round to clear out and repair a skanky flat where they find a load old dildos left all over the gaff. The young lads’ eyes light up at the sight and his horny mate Dave soon gets to work on him first ramming the big black dildo down his throat and then up his tight arse before he bangs him into the middle of next week. We all fuckin love a dominant top, especially one with covered in tatts and muscle like Billy, and in this filthy 3 scene special you get two big hard lads for the price of one: Billy Essex and Big Dave. So cmon lads start the year as you mean to go on with a fuckin good wank session....
Deze dvd wordt geleverd zonder plastic hoes. U ontvangt de schijf en het inlegvel.
Verenigd Koningkrijk
19 mei 2022
90 Minuten