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Summer Lust DVD (S)

Studio: Falcon
Speciale prijs € 29,75 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 06490D
The famed Falcon style scores a peak in the blazing Summer Lust. Languid summer days flare up when the star-studded cast transfer their lusty desires and hard bodies from the pool to the bedroom. Four sun-drenched scenes, directed by Tony Dimarco, are all sex, all sweaty, all steamy and filled with the fiery passion that long-hot days with sexy housemates stirs in each of their groins. Summer Lust features Landon Conrad, D.O., catapulting-to-stardom Jimmy Fanz, and the red-hot Paddy O'Brian, who scorches not one but two sensational scenes with manly looks, devastating cock, and heaving fuck-action. He's certainly found the right home in his first release from Falcon. Smoldering with these horned up studs are superstars Dean Monroe, Bryce Star and Marc Dylan. These guys are heavy hung, happy, and ready for that famous Falcon man-action. So jump on in - the pool's about to boil over with their Summer Lust.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Tony Di Marco
21 aug. 2012
98 Minuten