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The Boy Austin: Chapters 1-3 DVD (S)

Studio: Boy For Sale
€ 49,75
Op voorraad
SKU 15514D
Boy for Sale follows the transfer of ownership from one man to the next as young, submissive slaves are paid for and claimed by their dominant masters. The boys serve their superiors, catering to their every need and desire. The boys learn what's expected of them through proper grooming and training, but at the end of the day, they're the property of their owners and must obey. Austin Young is a small, lean twink with a true submissive's heart. He knows his place is at the foot of a master, but he's been told his whole life to be his own man. The secret society of owners has offered Austin the chance to free himself from the bonds of this fate, offering instead a bondage better suited to his instincts and desires.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
20 apr. 2021
98 Minuten
Boy For Sale