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Triple Trouble DOWNLOAD

Studio: Staxus
€ 24,75
Op voorraad
SKU 03380M
Posh folk call it a menage-a-trois, but to the rest of us it’s a plain old simple threesome. And boy do you folks love them! Not that that should come as any surprise, of course. There’s surely nothing hotter than seeing a trio of handsome buddies enjoying hot, raw sex between each other; savouring the delights of spit-roasting, double-dipping, and a myriad of unholy positions that are only possible when there’s an extra wheel added to proceedings. So sit back, unzip, and relish a collection of classic performances from the likes of David Hollister, Calum Dean and Jake Stark; as the Staxus stable proves once again just how much trouble a boy can get into when he’s got two companions ready to suck and fuck like wild animals!