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Wide Open Twinks DVD (S)

Studio: Bare Twinks
Speciale prijs € 24,75 Normale prijs € 39,75
Niet voorradig, maar wij kunnen dit product voor u bestellen. Verwachte levering binnen 2 weken!
SKU 17084D
When we say that this collection of horned up twinks are wide open, what exactly are we referring to? Their mouths or their butt-holes? Of course the only way you’re gonna discover for sure is to watch the likes of Nathan Clark, Dustin Fitch and Benjamin Riley in action, but you don’t really have to be much of an expert to realise that we’re talking about both! Indeed, there arguably isn’t a single orifice featured in this beautiful offering from Bare Twinks that doesn’t get improperly violated during the course of the action; with one cute beauty after the next receiving the kind of wanton attention that soon has them drooling like fury, and which will have gay porn fans the world over wanking until their dicks are almost sore to touch!
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
19 dec. 2023
78 Minuten
Bare Twinks